Hello February....

Wow. It has been a LONG TIME since I wrote a blog post. Which is interesting to me because I love to write but rarely do so these days. So without jumping head first in to the trap of New Years promises, let me just say that I plan on writing more. Because I love it and shouldn’t we all fill our days with more of what we love to do as well as what we have to do?

I wanted to welcome in 2020 somewhere other than Nashville. 2019 was a full on year, which they all seem to be at this age with my children being the ages they are but still. I launched a business in 2019 making it a remarkable yet stressful year and I didn’t want to feel any of that when 2020 began. Also, if I am being honest, I am a travel brat and being either on the beach or in the mountains sounded a hell of a lot better than being in Nashville.

So we took the easy road and headed down to the part of Florida known as 30a. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, the white sands and clear blue water are as stunning as any tropical paradise you have dreamt of visiting. We have been visiting this stretch of sand for 13 years and it holds so many wonderful memories for us. We spend our summers road tripping around North America (can you believe we only have Alaska left?), so the yearly tradition of coming to the same place once or twice a year is relished by all of us.

While I love a remote beach, I also love the convenience of having five star restaurants a few steps from the sand and gorgeous coffee shops that will make you a latte while you browse around next door and wonder, sometimes aloud, when you will ever be able to own beautiful WHITE linen sofas like those without the worry of people(my kids/dog) ruining them…

Each morning, I woke early and grabbed my camera to capture some of the magic that being on the beach when the day begins offers. I hope you enjoy. Some of these images will be available on my website under the new collection “Beach Please”.

Thanks for stopping by!

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